Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Upcoming concerts!

Monday, March 30th Festival concert #2 , free admission

Poway Festival, April 1st, 2nd

CARNEGIE HALL, April 5-9th

Easter brass performance, st. paul's lutheran church, TBD

I'm sure I'm missing some .___.

My dream

has always been to read music in color.
think, we could erase half of tempo markings that convey moods if we put it in color.

and colors are natural producers of feelings,
when you see blue, you feel calm or sad.
Red, rage, passion.
yellow, happy.

if we put these notes in colors, it would be a lot easier to understand what mood the composer is trying to convey.

But alas,
it is not eco-friendly.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Caprillo national monument

Today we visited the Caprillo National Monument
I love the tidepools! ^.^
I took lots of pictures, there were a lot of people there
We only saw one crab ): low tide.